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Choosing the Best Breast Implants: What You Need to Know

breast enlargement in Istanbul

Breast augmentation, or enlargement, is a popular cosmetic surgery in Turkey that can enhance a woman’s figure and boost her self-confidence. Central to this process is the selection of the right breast implants. However, with various implant options available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. This blog will guide you through the key factors to consider when selecting the best breast implants to achieve your desired look.

Understanding Breast Implants

Before diving into the selection process, it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of breast implants. Breast implants are medical devices used to augment or reconstruct the breast tissue. They are typically filled with either saline or silicone gel and come in various shapes, sizes, and textures. Each type of implant offers distinct advantages and considerations, which we’ll explore in detail.

Types of Breast Implants

a. Saline Implants: They are filled with sterile saltwater. During surgery, we insert them empty and fill them to the desired volume, allowing for minor adjustments. However, they may feel less natural than silicone implants and have a higher risk of rippling. Despite these drawbacks, people often choose saline implants due to their affordability and ease of rupture detection.

b. Silicone Gel Implants: consist of a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel. They tend to have a more natural look and feel than saline implants and a lower risk of rippling. Silicone implants come in various profiles, including round and teardrop shapes, offering versatility to accommodate different aesthetic preferences and body types.

c. Gummy Bear Implants, or cohesive gel implants, are silicone implants with a thicker, highly cohesive gel filling. They maintain their shape better and are less likely to rupture or leak. They are particularly popular for their durability and ability to retain their form over time, making them a preferred choice for women seeking long-lasting results.

Shape and Profile

a. Round Implants: Round implants are symmetrical and can provide more fullness in the upper portion of the breast, creating a rounder appearance. They are famous among those seeking enhanced cleavage and a youthful aesthetic. They offer predictable outcomes and are suitable for various breast shapes and sizes.

b. Teardrop Implants: Teardrop implants mimic the breast’s natural shape, with more fullness in the lower portion and a tapered slope towards the top.  Women seeking subtle enhancements with a natural contour prefer them as they are ideal for achieving a more anatomical look. Teardrop implants require precise surgical placement to avoid rotation and maintain symmetry, making them suitable for patients willing to undergo meticulous surgical techniques.


Selecting the right size is crucial for achieving the desired outcome. Implant size is measured in cubic centimetres (cc) and is influenced by factors such as body type, chest width, and desired cup size. When choosing implant size, you must communicate your goals with your surgeon in Turkey and consider factors such as proportionality and lifestyle. Additionally, patients should consider the long-term effects of size selection on their physical comfort and overall satisfaction with their results.


Implants for breast enlargement in Istanbul come in smooth and textured varieties. The slightly rough surface of textured implants reduces the risk of capsular contracture, a complication where scar tissue forms around the implant. However, textured implants may also be associated with a higher risk of certain complications, such as implant malposition. Patients should weigh the benefits of reduced capsular contracture against the potential dangers of textured implants and consult with their surgeons to determine the most suitable option based on their needs and preferences.

Profile: Projecting Your Desires

The implant profile refers to its front-to-back projection, impacting how much your breasts will be pushed forward:

  • Low profile: Creates a subtle increase in volume, suitable for women with minimal breast tissue or desiring a natural look that blends seamlessly with their anatomy.
  • Moderate profile: This is the most common choice, offering a balanced projection that complements many body types and provides a noticeable lift and enhancement.
  • High profile: creates significant cleavage and projection, ideal for women with less breast tissue or wanting a dramatic look. Women with thin skin should avoid high-profile implants, which may cause rippling or stretching.

Choosing the Best Implants for You:

When selecting breast implants for breast augmentation in Turkey, it’s essential to consider your unique anatomy, aesthetic goals, and lifestyle. 

Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Schedule a comprehensive consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon at Lifeline Turkey who has experience in breast augmentation. During the consultation, discuss your goals, preferences, and any concerns you may have. Your surgeon will assess your anatomy and help you choose the implants that best suit your needs. Take this opportunity to ask questions and gather information to make an informed decision about your procedure.

Considerations for a Natural Look and Feel

If achieving a natural look is your priority, silicone gel implants, particularly gummy bear implants, may be the preferred choice. Teardrop implants can also help mimic the breast’s natural shape, providing a subtle enhancement that complements your body’s proportions. Your surgeon in Turkey can recommend the most suitable implant type and shape to achieve your desired aesthetic outcome while maintaining harmony with your natural contours.

Lifestyle and Activity Levels

Consider your lifestyle and activity level. For example, women with an active lifestyle may prefer smaller implants that allow for greater ease of movement and comfort during physical activities. Conversely, individuals with a more sedentary lifestyle or those seeking dramatic enhancement may opt for larger implants to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Your surgeon can guide you in selecting implants that align with your lifestyle and activity preferences, ensuring optimal outcomes and satisfaction.

Risks and Complications

Educate yourself about the potential risks and complications associated with breast implants, including capsular contracture, implant rupture, and implant malposition. Understanding these risks can help you make an informed decision and prepare for the possibility of future revisions. Discuss any concerns or questions with your surgeon during the consultation to gain clarity and peace of mind about your procedure.

Long-Term Maintenance

Breast implants are not lifetime devices and may require replacement or removal over time due to normal wear and tear or changes in personal preferences. Discuss long-term maintenance and follow-up care with your surgeon to ensure the longevity of your results and any postoperative concerns. Regular monitoring and proactive management of implant-related issues can help preserve the integrity of your breast augmentation and improve your satisfaction with your results over time.

Shape Your Confidence, Define Your Beauty with Lifeline Turkey!

When planning for breast augmentation surgery in Turkey, choosing the best breast implants involves careful consideration of various factors, including implant type, size, shape, and texture. Partnering with a qualified plastic surgeon in Lifeline Turkey can help you achieve beautiful, natural-looking results that boost your confidence and well-being. Remember to prioritize safety, thorough research, and open communication throughout decision-making to ensure a positive experience and optimal outcomes from your breast augmentation journey.

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