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MicroTESE Surgery in Turkey

MicroTESE Treatment in Istanbul

Nestled within the crossroads of innovation and compassionate healthcare, Turkey has emerged as a focal point for cutting-edge treatments, notably exemplified by the revolutionary microTESE surgery. This highly specialized procedure, conducted with precision and boasting impressive success rates, has positioned Turkey as a destination of choice for individuals grappling with male infertility challenges. Let’s delve into the essence of MicroTESE surgery in Turkey, where breakthrough medical techniques meet a commitment to excellence.

What is  MicroTESE Surgery ?

MicroTESE surgery, a shortened form of Microdissection Testicular Sperm Extraction, stands out as a specialized surgical technique designed to address male infertility, particularly in cases of non-obstructive azoospermia. For couples hoping to conceive, this condition—characterized by the absence of sperm in the ejaculate—presents a significant obstacle.

The crux of microTESE surgery lies in its meticulous approach, employing high-powered microscopes to dissect testicular tissue with unparalleled precision. By isolating and extracting individual sperm cells, this procedure maximizes the chances of success while minimizing potential harm to the delicate structures of the testicles.

Benefits of MicroTESE Surgery

  1. Precision and Minimally Invasive: MicroTESE is a microsurgical technique that uses a high-powered microscope to identify and selectively extract sperm from the testicular tissue. It allows for a more precise and targeted approach, minimizing damage to the surrounding tissue.
  2. Higher Sperm Retrieval Rates: It has been associated with higher sperm retrieval rates than traditional TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction) methods. The meticulous microdissection technique helps identify areas of the testicles with higher sperm production, increasing the chances of successful sperm retrieval.
  3. Reduced Tissue Trauma: Using a microscope in microTESE allows for identifying blood vessels and other structures, reducing the risk of damage to these structures during the sperm extraction process. It can contribute to a lower risk of complications and faster recovery.
  4. Lower Risk of Fibrosis: MicroTESE may help reduce the risk of fibrosis or scarring in the testicular tissue. Minimizing tissue trauma during the procedure can contribute to a healthier testicular environment for future sperm production.

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5. Improved Pregnancy Rates: The higher sperm retrieval rates associated with microTESE may lead to improved pregnancy rates in assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

6. Individualized Approach: They allow for a more individualized and targeted approach to sperm retrieval. Surgeons can focus on specific areas of the testicles that are more likely to contain viable sperm, increasing the chances of successful sperm extraction.

7. Diagnostic Value: It not only serves as a treatment for sperm retrieval but also provides valuable diagnostic information about the testicular tissue. This information can help in understanding the underlying causes of male infertility.

Procedures of MicroTESE Surgery in Turkey

Preoperative Assessment

  1. Patient Evaluation: Before the surgery, a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s medical history, reproductive history, and physical examination is conducted.

  2. Diagnostic Tests: As part of the diagnostic process, tests like hormonal evaluations and imaging studies may be used to find out what is causing azoospermia and if microTESE is possible.

Day of Surgery

  1. Anesthesia: The patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort and to eliminate pain during the procedure.

  2. Positioning: The patient is positioned in a supine (lying on the back) position on the operating table.

  3. Sterilization: The surgical site is cleaned and sterilized to reduce the risk of infection.

MicroTESE Procedure

  1. Incision: A small incision is made in the scrotum to access the testicles. The size of the incision is generally smaller than in traditional TESE procedures.

  2. Exposure: The testicular covering (tunica albuginea) is opened, exposing the testicular tissue.

  3. Microdissection: A high-powered surgical microscope identifies and dissects small areas of the testicular tissue where sperm production is more likely. This microdissection allows for a more targeted and precise approach than conventional TESE.

  4. Sperm Retrieval: Once a region with potential sperm production is identified, small tissue samples are taken and examined under the microscope to look for the presence of sperm. If sperm are found, they are carefully extracted.

  5. Closure: After sperm retrieval is completed, the incisions in the testicular covering and scrotum are closed using sutures.

Postoperative Care

  1. Recovery: The patient is monitored in a recovery area as the effects of anesthesia wear off.

  2. Pain Management: Pain medications may be prescribed to manage postoperative discomfort.

  3. Activity Restrictions: Patients are often advised to avoid strenuous activities for a specified period for proper healing.


  1. Postoperative Evaluation: Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the patient’s recovery and assess the success of sperm retrieval.

  2. Fertility Treatment: If viable sperm are retrieved, they can be used in assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to facilitate pregnancy.

Is MicroTESE Surgery Related to Any Risks?

MicroTESE (Microdissection Testicular Sperm Extraction) is generally safe, but it carries some risks like any surgical procedure. Potential complications include the risk of bleeding, infection, or damage to surrounding structures. These risks are relatively low, and skilled urologists perform the process. Before undergoing MicroTESE, individuals are thoroughly assessed to minimize potential risks. Patients need to have a detailed discussion with their healthcare provider to understand the specific risks and benefits based on their unique circumstances.

Trusted Hospital for MicroTESE in Turkey

Lifeline Turkey for MicroTESE surgery may be a favorable decision based on several critical criteria. The facility’s expertise and experience, technological capabilities, and commitment to maintaining high success rates in sperm retrieval through MicroTESE are crucial factors to consider.

Our comprehensive range of fertility services, transparent cost information, and patient support services further contribute to the overall appeal of a medical facility. However, individuals must communicate directly with our professionals and consider personal circumstances before making a well-informed decision regarding MicroTESE surgery in Turkey.