LifeLine Turkey

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Breast Reduction in Turkey

Breast Reduction in Turkey

Breast reduction in Turkey, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts.
While many patients choose breast reduction to alleviate physical symptoms such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, shoulder grooves, or discomfort while exercising, they should not overlook the cosmetic benefits of breast reduction.

Procedure for Breast Reduction

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Time : takes 3-4 hours

Anesthesia : General anesthesia

Hospitalization : 1-2  nights

Istanbul stay : 8-10 days before flying

Garment / corset : 4-6 weeks

Medications: will be prescribed by the surgeon

Final result: After 3-4 months.

You can contact us for free diagnostic and consultation